Split a String

Split a string around a given delimiter executing as many splits as there are instances of the delimiter. For instance, if we split ‘a, b, c, d’ around the ‘, ‘ as the delimiter, we would get four sub strings a, b, c and d.

We then cover four extensions that may be applied to the above scenario:

  • Split Words: Split a string into individual words.
  • Split Characters: Split a string into individual characters.
  • Multiple Delimiters: Split a string around any of a set of delimiters e.g. split a string around any hyphen ‘-’ character or underscore ‘_’ character.
  • Delimiter Column: Given a column of strings to split and a column of equal size of delimiters, we wish to split each element in the first column around the corresponding delimiter in the second column. This is often a case when we wish to split the values of a given column of a table using delimiters provided by another column.

This section is complemented by:

  • Select the desired parts out of the parts returned by the prior splitting step e.g. pick the second part and drop the rest.
  • Process: An optional step where we process the selected parts resulting from the prior selection process e.g. concatenate the first and third parts with an underscore in between.


We wish to split a string around a given delimiter executing as many splits as there are instances of the delimiter.

In this example, we wish to split each element in the column col_1 around hyphen ‘-’ characters and add a new column to the table df for each part where the nth part goes into the nth new column.

SELECT col_1,
       SPLIT(col_1,'-') AS col_2
FROM table_1;

Here is how this works:

  • We use the function SPLIT() to split each element in a string column, which here is the column col_1, into parts around a given delimiter, which here is the hyphen character ‘-’.
  • Note: The delimiter pattern can be a string (character sequence).
  • The output table has the same number of rows and columns as the input table table_1 with an additional column added holding an array of the parts of the elements of the column col_1.

Split Words

We wish to split a string into individual words.

SELECT col_1,
       REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(col_1, r'\b\w+\b') AS col_2
FROM table_1;

Here is how this works:

This code works similarly to the Free Split scenario above except that we use the regular expression '\W+' as the delimiter which denotes possible separators between words.

Split Characters

We wish to split a string into individual characters.

SELECT col_1,
       SPLIT(col_1,'') AS col_2
FROM table_1;

Here is how this works:

This code works similarly to the Split scenario above except that we use '' as the delimiter which denotes splitting around individual characters.

Multiple Delimiters

We wish to split a string around any of a set of delimiters

In this example, we wish to split each element of the column col_1 into its parts which we wish to return as new columns. The delimiter can be a hyphen ‘-’ or an underscore ‘_’.

SELECT col_1,
       SPLIT(REGEXP_REPLACE(col_1, '-|_', '-'), '-') as col_2
FROM table_1;

Here is how this works:

  • We use the function REGEXP_REPLACE() to replace multiple delimiters with one delimiter. In this example we use '-|_' regular expression to replace '-' and '_' with a '-'. See Replacing.
  • We use the function SPLIT() to split each element in a string column, which here is the column col_1, into parts around a given delimiter. See Split above.
  • Alternatively, if our delimiters are single characters, we can use the bracket operator like so [-_].

Delimiter Column

Given a column of strings to split and a column of equal size of delimiters, we wish to split each element in the first column around the corresponding delimiter in the second column. This is often a case when we wish to split the values of a given column of a table using delimiters provided by another column.

SELECT col_1,
       SPLIT(col_1,col_2) AS col_3
FROM table_1;

Here is how this works:

  • We use the function SPLIT() to split each element in a string column into parts around a given delimiter. See Split above.
  • The function SPLIT() takes a column as an input, which here are the values of the column col_1, and the delimiter pattern, which here are the values of the column col_2. Therefore, the function str_split() will use the corresponding value of the column col_2 as the delimiter when splitting a value in the column col_1.